Can Car Breathalyzers Detect a Different Person Driving


Can Car Breathalyzers Detect a Different Person Driving


If you’ve ever faced the consequences of a DUI, you may have encountered a car interlock device. These devices, also known as ignition interlock systems, are designed to prevent a vehicle from starting unless the driver blows into a breathalyzer and registers a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) below a pre-set limit. Installed directly in your car, these interlock devices serve as a safeguard against drunk driving, ensuring that the driver is sober before hitting the road.

But what if someone else is driving your car? Can a car breathalyzer detect a different person behind the wheel? This is a common question for those using these devices. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or roommate who needs to use your vehicle, you might wonder if the car interlock system can tell the difference between drivers. Understanding how these devices work is crucial, not just for the primary user but also for anyone who might need to drive a car equipped with an interlock system.

Car interlock devices play a critical role in preventing drunk driving, and they come with strict legal requirements. However, they aren’t just about keeping the roads safe; they also require you to be aware of who is using your vehicle. Whether it’s the legal implications or the technical aspects, knowing how these devices function can help you navigate any potential issues that might arise if someone else needs to drive your car.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into how car breathalyzers work, whether they can detect if a different person is driving, and what happens if someone else blows into your interlock. We’ll also explore the broader legal and practical implications of using an interlock device, making sure you have all the information you need to stay compliant and safe on the road.

Understanding Car Interlock Devices

What is a Car Interlock Device?

A car ignition interlock device is a breathalyzer installed in a vehicle that prevents the engine from starting unless the driver blows into the device and registers a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) below a certain threshold. These devices are typically installed after a DUI conviction as part of the legal consequences for driving under the influence. The goal of a car interlock device is to ensure that the driver is sober, thereby reducing the risk of drunk driving incidents.

When you’re required to install a car interlock device, it becomes a mandatory part of your vehicle’s ignition system. Before the vehicle can start, you must blow into the device. If your BAC is below the set limit, the vehicle will start. If it’s above the limit, the car won’t start, and in some cases, the device might record the violation, which could lead to further legal consequences.

How Does the Car Interlocking System Work?

The car interlocking system is relatively straightforward but highly effective. It requires the driver to perform a breath test each time they want to start the car. This process is often referred to as “blow to start.” The device measures the alcohol content in the breath and determines whether it is safe for the person to drive. If the BAC is below the legal limit, the interlock car will start; if it’s above the limit, the interlock vehicle will remain immobilized.

The vehicle interlock device operates continuously, requiring periodic tests while the car is in motion to ensure the driver remains sober throughout the trip. These rolling retests are designed to prevent someone from starting the car and then handing it off to an intoxicated person. If a rolling retest is failed or missed, the device may activate the vehicle’s horn or lights to alert authorities.

Intoxalock BAC Limit and Legal Requirements

One of the most widely used car interlock systems is Intoxalock. This device is set to a specific BAC limit that aligns with legal requirements, typically around 0.02% to 0.04%, depending on the jurisdiction. The Intoxalock BAC limit is designed to ensure that even the slightest amount of alcohol in your system is detected, preventing you from starting the vehicle if you’ve been drinking.

The legal landscape surrounding these devices is strict. Breathalyzer in car laws mandate the installation of interlock devices after a DUI conviction, and failing to comply can result in severe penalties. The car interlock device not only helps you adhere to these laws but also plays a crucial role in reducing repeat DUI offenses. By ensuring that the driver is sober before the vehicle can be operated, these devices significantly lower the chances of drunk driving, contributing to safer roads for everyone.

Understanding these devices, how they work, and the legal requirements surrounding them is essential for anyone who has been ordered to install a vehicle interlock device. Whether you’re the primary driver or someone else might need to use your car, knowing the ins and outs of the car interlocking system can help you avoid potential pitfalls and stay on the right side of the law.

Can Car Breathalyzers Detect a Different Person Driving?

Functionality of Breathalyzers

A breathalyzer in a car is designed to measure the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of the person blowing into it, determining whether it is safe for them to drive. But can it detect if someone else is driving your car? The short answer is no; the breathalyzer does not have the capability to identify who is blowing into it.

These devices function solely by analyzing the breath sample for alcohol content. They work by using sensors that detect the alcohol in the breath and then convert that measurement into a BAC reading. If the reading is below the preset limit, the car ignition interlock device will allow the vehicle to start. If the BAC is above the limit, the vehicle remains immobilized.

However, while a breathalyzer can’t distinguish between different people, the legal responsibility falls on the driver who is required to use the interlock car device. Attempting to bypass the system by having someone else blow into it is not only illegal but can lead to serious consequences.

What Happens If Someone Else Blows Into Your Interlock?

If someone else blows into your vehicle interlock device, it’s a direct violation of the law. The interlock car system is tied to the individual who has been ordered to use it, typically after a DUI conviction. If the authorities discover that someone else has blown into your interlock, you could face additional legal penalties, including extended time with the car interlock device, fines, or even jail time.

In a shared vehicle situation, where multiple people may drive the car, it’s important that each person understands the legal implications of using the car ignition interlock. Allowing someone else to blow into your interlock, whether out of convenience or in an attempt to circumvent the system, can lead to severe consequences. The device is meant to ensure that the person with the DUI conviction remains sober while driving, and tampering with this process undermines the purpose of the vehicle interlock device.

Can Someone Else Drive My Car with an Interlock?

One common concern is whether someone else can drive a car equipped with an interlock system. Legally, someone else can drive your car with an interlock, but they must follow the same procedures as you. This means they will need to blow into the car ignition interlock device before starting the car and may be required to perform rolling retests during the drive.

However, it’s important to clarify the rules with your local authorities or the service provider. Some jurisdictions may have specific regulations about who can and cannot operate a vehicle with a breathalyzer in the car. Additionally, you should inform anyone who drives your vehicle about the responsibilities that come with using the interlock car system. They need to understand that failing the breath test, or refusing to take it, will prevent the car from starting and could potentially cause legal issues for both them and you.

The Impact of Attempting to Circumvent the Interlock

Legal Consequences of Tampering with the Device

Attempting to circumvent or tamper with a car ignition interlock device is a serious offense with significant legal consequences. The interlock car system is designed to prevent drivers with a history of DUI from operating their vehicle while under the influence. If you try to bypass this system—whether by disconnecting the device, using tricks to fool it, or having someone else blow into it—you are breaking the law.

Tampering with a vehicle interlock device can lead to severe penalties. These can include extended periods of time with the device, additional fines, and even jail time. In many states, if the authorities discover that someone has tampered with the car interlock system, the person responsible may face charges for a new offense, which can compound the consequences of the original DUI conviction.

Allowing someone else to blow into your interlock also constitutes tampering. Even if the intention is innocent, such as letting a friend or family member start the car, it’s still illegal. The interlock car system is specifically assigned to the person who has been convicted of a DUI, and that person is the only one legally allowed to use it. If someone else uses the device and it’s discovered, you could be held accountable for their actions.

Effectiveness of Interlock Devices in Preventing Drunk Driving

Despite the risks of tampering, interlock devices have proven to be highly effective in reducing DUI incidents. Numerous studies have shown that when these devices are used as intended, they significantly lower the chances of repeat offenses. The car ignition interlock creates a strong deterrent for drivers who might otherwise be tempted to get behind the wheel after drinking.

Statistics support the effectiveness of these devices. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vehicle interlock devices can reduce repeat offenses by about 70% compared to drivers who have had their licenses suspended. This dramatic reduction highlights how crucial these devices are in promoting road safety.

Real-life examples also illustrate the impact of interlock devices. Many states have reported decreases in DUI-related accidents and fatalities after implementing mandatory car interlock programs for convicted offenders. For instance, in New Mexico, DUI-related deaths dropped by 35% after the state introduced a comprehensive vehicle interlock program.

Common Questions About Interlock Devices

Can I Drive Another Car Without an Interlock?

If you’ve been ordered to use a car ignition interlock device following a DUI conviction, you are typically restricted to driving only vehicles equipped with the interlock. Driving another car without an interlock can be illegal, depending on the terms of your conviction or probation. If you’re caught driving a vehicle without the required interlock device, you may face serious legal consequences, including license suspension, additional fines, or even jail time.

The purpose of the vehicle interlock device is to ensure that you remain sober while driving. Therefore, circumventing this by driving another car can be seen as an attempt to bypass the system, which courts take very seriously. Always consult with your probation officer or legal advisor to fully understand the restrictions placed on your driving privileges.

Can I Put an Interlock in Someone Else’s Car?

While it’s technically possible to install a car interlock device in another person’s vehicle, the decision comes with legal implications. If you do not own the vehicle, the owner must agree to have the device installed, and you must inform them of the legal requirements that come with using it. The vehicle owner should understand that their car will be subject to the same restrictions as your own, meaning they will need to use the vehicle interlock device whenever they want to drive.

Furthermore, installing an interlock in someone else’s car does not exempt you from any other vehicles you might own or have access to. The legal requirement typically applies to all vehicles you operate, so you’ll need to ensure compliance across the board.

Can My Roommate Drive My Car with an Interlock?

Yes, your roommate can drive your car if it is equipped with a car ignition interlock device, but there are important responsibilities they need to be aware of. They will have to follow the same blow and drive interlock procedures that you do, which means they’ll need to blow into the device before starting the car and may be required to perform rolling retests while driving.

It’s crucial that anyone driving a vehicle with an interlock understands the legal and practical implications. Failing a breath test, refusing to take it, or attempting to tamper with the device can result in serious legal consequences for both the driver and the vehicle owner. As the owner, you should also inform your roommate that any violations logged by the vehicle interlock device could impact your legal standing, potentially leading to penalties such as extended use of the interlock, fines, or other legal actions.

Blow & Drive Interlock: How It Keeps You Accountable

The blow and drive interlock process is straightforward but highly effective in ensuring accountability for drivers with a history of DUI. Before starting the vehicle, you must blow into the interlock device. If your BAC is below the set limit, the car will start; if it’s above, the vehicle remains immobilized. This process not only prevents you from driving under the influence but also creates a record of each attempt to start the car, holding you accountable for your actions.

The vehicle interlock device also requires rolling retests during your drive. These retests are randomly timed and ensure that you remain sober throughout the trip. If you fail a rolling retest or miss it altogether, the device may trigger the vehicle’s horn or lights, alerting law enforcement to a potential issue.

Overall, the blow and drive interlock system is designed to keep you accountable, reducing the likelihood of repeat DUI offenses and helping to create safer roads for everyone. By adhering to the process and understanding the responsibilities that come with it, you can navigate your legal obligations more effectively and avoid further complications.

Practical Advice for Users of Interlock Devices

Maintaining and Using the Interlock System

Using a car ignition interlock device is not just a legal requirement; it’s also a responsibility that requires proper care and attention. To ensure that your vehicle interlock device functions correctly, you should regularly maintain it and follow a few practical tips:

  1. Follow the Manufacturer’s Instructions: Each interlock system comes with specific guidelines on how to use and maintain the device. Familiarize yourself with these instructions to avoid common issues and ensure the device operates smoothly.
  2. Keep the Device Clean: Dirt, dust, and moisture can affect the performance of your car interlock device. Regularly clean the mouthpiece and ensure the device is dry. Avoid using harsh chemicals; instead, a mild soap solution works best.
  3. Monitor Battery Life: Your vehicle’s battery plays a crucial role in powering the interlock device. Ensure your car’s battery is in good condition and fully charged, especially during colder months when batteries can lose charge quickly.
  4. Report Issues Immediately: If you experience any issues with the interlock system, such as error messages or malfunctioning components, contact your service provider immediately. Do not attempt to repair the device yourself, as this could be considered tampering and lead to legal consequences.
  5. Perform Regular Calibration: The car interlock device needs to be calibrated periodically to ensure accuracy. Your service provider will schedule these calibrations. Missing a calibration appointment can result in the device locking you out of your vehicle, so keep track of your schedule.

Understanding Your Responsibilities

Using a vehicle interlock device comes with both legal and personal responsibilities. Failing to understand and adhere to these responsibilities can lead to serious consequences.

  1. Know the Legal Requirements: You are legally required to use the car interlock system every time you start your vehicle. Skipping the test, attempting to bypass the device, or driving another car without an interlock can result in additional fines, extended time with the interlock, or even jail time.
  2. Educate Other Drivers: If others, such as family members or roommates, may need to drive your car, make sure they understand how to use the vehicle interlock device. Explain the importance of following the blow and drive interlock procedure and the potential legal issues if they fail to comply.
  3. Be Honest and Transparent: If someone else will be driving your vehicle, they should know that the car is equipped with an interlock device. Transparency is key to avoiding misunderstandings and ensuring that everyone follows the legal guidelines.
  4. Avoid Tampering at All Costs: Tampering with the interlock system is illegal and can have severe repercussions. This includes having someone else blow into the device, trying to disconnect it, or using substances to mask alcohol levels. Such actions can lead to criminal charges and make your legal situation much worse.
  5. Plan for Emergencies: Know what to do if your car interlock device fails. Keep the service provider’s contact information handy and have a plan in place for alternative transportation if needed.

By maintaining your vehicle interlock device properly and understanding your responsibilities, you can navigate your obligations smoothly and avoid further legal complications. Remember, the car interlock system is there not only to meet legal requirements but also to help you and others stay safe on the road.


In summary, car ignition interlock devices are essential tools designed to prevent drunk driving and ensure safer roads. Throughout this discussion, we’ve explored the practical aspects of maintaining and using these devices, highlighted the legal responsibilities that come with them, and addressed common concerns that users may face.

The key takeaway is that vehicle interlock devices are not just a legal obligation—they are a crucial part of the recovery and rehabilitation process for those with DUI convictions. Proper maintenance, understanding your responsibilities, and educating others who may drive your car are all vital steps in ensuring the device functions as intended and keeps everyone safe.

Using the interlock system responsibly is not just about complying with the law; it’s about making a commitment to safety and accountability. By following the rules, avoiding tampering, and ensuring that the device is used correctly, you can avoid serious legal consequences and contribute to reducing the incidence of drunk driving.

Remember, the car interlock device is there to help you stay on track. Embrace it as a tool for positive change, and use it as intended to protect yourself, your loved ones, and others on the road.

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